Lexington also hosts many cultural festivals celebrating its diversity. Each of these programs is free and open to all ages. Overall, the Bluegrass is home to several cultural arts programs including Lunch with the Arts, Big Band and Jazz Series, Summer Sunday Sessions, the Woodland Art Fair, the Shakespeare Festival, Ballet under the Stars, the Woodland Jubilee Festival, the Midway Fall Festival, the High Bridge Homecoming Festival in Nicholasville, the Wilmore Arts & Crafts Festival, the Spoonbread Festival in Berea, the Great American Pottery Festival, the Paris Pumpkin Festival, the Festival of the Horse in Scott County, and the Folklife Festival in Frankfort.

Versailles is home to the Woodford County Theatre which produces four quality plays each year. The Bluegrass Theatre Guild in Frankfort produces a variety of Broadway and off-Broadway shows throughout the year.

In addition, the beautifully renovated Lexington Opera House is the site of a season of Broadway productions provided by professional touring companies. The Actors Guild of Lexington presents dynamic contemporary theater during its 10-play season. The Lexington Ballet Company promotes interest in classical ballet for both the public and school audiences. The lively arts community in the Bluegrass offers an endless selection of dance, theater, and musical opportunities ranging from barbershop quartets to African and modern dance there is even a performing guitar society. Art Out Loud from Keeneland Broadcast Services on Vimeo.